Money Tracking with My Spendee App

4 March 2014

I like being organised, and that extends to how I handle my money. 
Now I could be a lot savvier with my spending, I do love my pretty things, decor and clothing. 

But even splurging a little every now and then is okay when I know that I'm saving well. 
I try to save around half of what my income is, in total. I get pretty close, only digging into my savings account if I need money for accommodation or any random situation that was to arise.

That's where Spendee comes in.
You pop in your incomes and expenses, as well as their corresponding dates. Choose a category for each item, you can even put recurring incomes and expenses too. Spendee keeps track of everything in one neat list, sorted by date and in Months. 

My favourite part though is the overview section. You can view in a handy pie chart your incomes and expenses by week/month/3months/year, and see what you're spending most of your money on.

It's a good way to see where you need to cut back and what you need to improve on.
Here are the last three months. 

The grey sections there are how much I'm saving each month. Which while I got a lot better in January, I did worse in February so I kind of need to step up my game in the month of March. The light green part is bills, everything else is pretty self explanatory. The croissant is groceries though ha. 

I clearly need to calm down in the shopping and clothes categories. Whoops. I really enjoy being able to see at a glance where all my money is going. I want my savings percentage to be a lot closer to 50% or even higher. That's the dream. Obviously to get there I need to control my spending.

You get yourself this nifty app right here for only $1.99. 

See ya. 

Tegan xx

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