What do you picture in your mind when you think about ‘old homes’? For most of us, homes that had carpet floors, very thick wallpaper, ceiling lights with no shades and long thick curtains. They have practicality where it didn’t need to be and stylish form where you needed practicality to be instead. It was a different time and a different era for the interior design movement.
We often forget that these ideas that we have now, might seem a little bizarre in a few decades. However, hopefully, the following ideas will also make a comeback. It seems as though some of the interior decor ideas that were once thought of as nonsensical are being brought back but in different ways.
The modern home has now been spoiled by choice and when you have an abundance of choice, you can find solutions to problems that would otherwise be discarded.
A softer living room
Hardwood flooring is very popular in contemporary home design. It's sleek, chic, durable, stylish and makes the home look more valuable. The older homes built before the 1980s had carpet for the most part. However carpets were tough to clean back then, they also soaked up a lot of moisture because they were made from cotton or wool.
They also flattened out after a while, again for the same reason. However, nowadays you have the option of a large range of carpet tiles to choose from which won’t have these issues. Take a look at the Airlay Como range if you’re looking for blue carpets.
Or how about the NFD Dublin range, with the option of a bold dark ash colour? Thanks to a synthetic blend, modern carpets retain their shape and bounce for a lot longer and they don’t absorb so much moisture. They won’t trap odours are vigorously and they won’t absorb liquids as readily either. This still doesn’t mean you should walk all over them in your wet shoes though.
The Early-Modern feeling
During the Early-Modern period when civilization was just heading out of the Middle Ages, suddenly fine materials were being used quite liberally across the world. Interiors began to literally shine as silk wallpaper was being put up all across the most impressive homes and castles in the world. Europe particularly and more exact the French, were using this kind of wallpaper in the most sublime aristocratic mansions in the land. As time went on, they were seen as too expensive and too time-consuming to be made and fitted onto walls.
Now, however, you can have silk wallpaper and it even comes in Early-Modern designs. Cool wallpapers featuring blooming flowers, elegant leaves, and curling vines bring a new layer of artistry to your walls. And yes, smooth to the touch and softer than your pillowcase, silk wallpaper is very alluring to your fingertips.
Elegance worth the weight
Contemporary curtains are never too long. They don’t drape on the floor, they don’t have a lot of weight to them and they’re pretty bland. Well, they’re curtains so you wouldn’t expect them to be adding to the decor right? Wrong, absolutely they can and should be adding to the style of your home. However, you have to again reach back into history and bring the elegant wool drapes back to life. Drapes are made a little longer than needed so they are designed to lay on the floor at the bottom. It's strange yet elegant, that such long amazing fabric should be touching the floor at all times. It makes the outside and the inside somehow connected with each other. They’re heavy because they’re made from dense material such as Merino wool.
They also take their styles from the Early-Modern period too. The modern rod pocket drapes come from the billowing pulled up valance style. If you really want grandiose and classic drapes, go with the layered sways with double cascades. The keystone swag style is also quite sophisticated. This is the type of elegance that is making a big comeback thanks to the affordability and interior design companies looking to give consumers more choice from older styles.
Sometimes the best ideas are from the past, and interior design is such a field where many of the best ideas have already been done. Bringing carpet flooring back to the living room makes sense because of the modern styles and fabric blends. Long Early-Modern drapes are so much better than a pair of boring curtains. They glide across the floor, they keep the heat in and their designs are stunningly beautiful.

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